Ramakrishna Math, Ramanathapuram


Ramakrishna Math, Ramanathapuram

No. 1 Raja Aranmanai Mele Street, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu 623 501, India
☎ 98849 88178
✉ [email protected]
🌐︎ ramanathapuram.rkmm.org

‘Vivekananda Ashramam’ was started in Ramanathapuram city in 2007 on the site of the erstwhile Shankara Vilasam bungalow in which Swami Vivekananda had stayed for three days in 1897 on his return from the West. In 2016 the Ashramam was taken over by the Ramakrishna Math, and a branch of the Math was started there.


  • Daily worship, prayer, and celebration of the birthdays of the Holy Trio.
  • Weekly classes for children on moral values.

Main campus at Nagachi:

In 2017, the centre acquired  a piece of  land  at  Nagachi, a  village  18 km away from Ramanathapuram towards Rameswaram. The focus of the activities thereafter shifted to this new campus.


  • An English-medium middle school (LKG  to  class 8).
  • A coaching centre.
  • A vocational training centre giving training in tailoring and embroidery.
  • A Balak Sangha and a study circle.
  • Welfare activities: Providing food and educational scholarships.
  • Religious activities: Regular worship, fortnightly Ramnam Sankirtan, religious discourses, spiritual retreats, and celebration of the birth anniversaries of the Holy Trio and other spiritual luminaries and major religious festivals.
National Youth Day Celebration
Summer Camp