Ramakrishna Ashrama and Ramakrishna Mission Seva Samiti, Habiganj, Bangladesh


Ramakrishna Ashrama and Ramakrishna Mission Seva Samiti, Habiganj, Bangladesh

3436 Ramakrishna Mission Road, Habiganj 3300, Bangladesh
☎ +880-29966-05545, 17129 00885
✉ habiganj@rkmm.org

The Ashrama (Math centre) was started in 1921.

Activities of the Math centre:

  • Daily worship, bhajans and religious classes and occasional lectures.
  • Celebration of the birthdays of the Holy Trio and major religious festivals.

The Seva Samiti was made a branch of the Ramakrishna Mission in 1926.

Activities of the Mission centre:

  • A students’ home for boys.
  • A library.
  • An allopathic-cum-homeopathic dispensary.
  • A music school, and a yoga centre.
  • A computer training centre.
  • Welfare work: Providing pecuniary help and scholars
Relief Services