Ramakrishna Mission, Dibrugarh

Sri Ramakrishna Temple

Ramakrishna Mission, Dibrugarh

Purnananda Road, Dibrugarh, Assam 786 001
 (0373) 7960313, 8822956374
 [email protected]

Founded in 1928 under the name Sri Ramakrishna Seva Samity in Dibrugarh, the Seva Samity became a branch of the Ramakrishna Mission in 2018 and is known since then as ‘Ramakrishna Mission’.


  • A nursery school.
  • A dispensary.
  • Cardio-diabetic camps.
  • Welfare activities: Providing food, clothes, winter garments, and pecuniary, medical & educational aid.
  • Religious activities: Daily worship, weekly classes, a study circle, occasional spiritual retreats, celebration of the birthdays of the Holy Trio and other spiritual luminaries, as also major religious festivals.