The General Secretary is the chief executive of both Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. His functions include carrying out the decisions of the Board of Trustees and the Governing Body, admission of monastic aspirants into the Order, their training and deployment in branch centres, coordination of the work of different branch centres, regulation of all financial transactions, looking after the well-being of all the monastic members, maintenance of order and discipline.
Swami Suvirananda is the current General Secretary.
The General Secretary is assisted in his work by one or more Assistant General Secretaries and a Treasurer. Currently there are four Assistant General Secretaries: Swamis Balabhadrananda, Bodhasarananda, Tattwavidananda and Satyeshananda, and one Treasurer: Swami Jnanavratananda. Each Assistant General Secretary looks after one or more departments of the Secretariat.
Contact address :
Swami Suvirananda
General Secretary
Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission
P.O. Belur Math Dist. Howrah, West Bengal 711 202, India
Phones PBX:(91) 33 – 2654 9581 / 9681
Fax : (91) 33 – 2654 4346
E-mail: [email protected]